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Record Player Repairs, Restoration & Sales

New for 2024

Original cartridges for Dansettes are very rare now, we still have a good stock of mono but these are not usually what our customers need.

We have now introduced a modern stereo ceramic cartridge which can be fitted to most models.

The cartridge is of the flip-over style giving you 2 stylus, one for LP/45 and the other for 78. Optional LP/LP stylus are also available for those who don't play 78's.

In a lot of cases were are able to keep the original cartridge mount to give the appearance of originality.

The output from these is a little lower than original so we have designed a pre-amp board to work with them and boost the audio level to that required by the amplifier.

Now we have 2 options, straightforward pre-amp or a pre-amp with sockets for audio out and audio in.

We are fitting either of these to almost all our refurbished players now and offering as an option to customer repairs.

The original 3 phono sockets, as fitted to the Bermuda and Conquest Auto and some others, are proving unreliable and can cause distortion or lack of audio even when not used.Repairs are given the option of pre-amp or pre-amp with sockets.

The picture shows both pre-amp models

v1 is a stereo preamp and is used as stereo for some models or mono for most.

v2, the larger one, is also a stereo preamp but has the additional in and out sockets. Both sockets are 3.5mm stereo jacks. The output can feed to your hi-fi in stereo and the input can feed into the Dansette from your Cd player etc. No cabinet modification is required when swapping the old sockets for new.

Included is a Bluetooth adaptor that can transmit or receive so further enhancing the options.

Now you can Bluetooth your Dansette to a Bluetooth speaker/receiver or you can play music from your phone etc into you Dansette.We have designed everything in such a way as to not spoil the  aesthetics of your Dansette.

Both pre-amps are fitted inside the record player, no separate boxes, and the rear socket panel is a straight swap for the original.

We have also found that the hum is greatly reduced as any new wiring is screened cable.

On models without a power indicator bulb we offer an led that is fitted behind the grille. No damage is done to the grille and when powered off the led cannot be seen. A good safety feature so you don't leave it switched on full time.

We hope you like them.

Dansette is reborn. A new beginning.

Repair, Restoration & Renovation

Our engineers have years of experience working on all kinds of entertainment from vintage valve to modern sound processors. On this page you’ll see some of our restoration work for previous customers, record players we have for sale and our blog detailing some of our restoration process.

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